Jitendra Vaswani

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11 Fruitful ROI Of Personal Branding in 2024: Why Personal Branding is Important?

Introducing personal branding we’re nowhere to learn the top 11 fruitful ROI of personal branding or your investment of time and money, hard work, and dedication.

So, again what we came to know about it is that; Personal Branding is all about knowing and understanding yourself and branding your uniqueness in the market for the most profitable ROI of your life.

Knowing and understanding “your plus points or negative points” completely and conquering the negative points with your positive attitude.

Figuring out or having a plan sheet of what you love to do in your life and with what (vision, mission, and goal) you’re going to enjoy your life (Yes! Enjoy because life is too short to spend your precious time) on the daily basis of 60×24 minutes for the rest of your daily life and getting ROI for almost doing nothing but for living your life happily.

Moreover, also benefit others out of your that known and conquered quality with the clear road map of your life goals and jumping above the roadblocks to the high toward achieving your life goals, aim, and purpose using the ROI which is happily and easily earned by your own personal brand.

One such example is Russell Brunson about which we have shared in the Russell Brunson Net Worth post.

So, here are some practical 11 fruitful ROI of Personal Branding campaign, which I’ve pointed out to make you understand how helpful it’s in making your life purposely easy and financially, affordable, and yes luxurious too.

1. Vision-Mission, Goal, and Purpose

personal branding mission and goals

First of all, the most important aspect of your life is visions-mission, goal, and purpose which helps you to decide and have a clear and straight roadmap for your life toward your success and happiness.

Having a clear and diagrammatic road map of vision-mission, purpose, and goal for your life helps you to achieve it more easily without any distraction.
Or as Yogi Berra says, “If you don’t know where you are going, you probably aren’t going to get there.” Identifying where you want to go in relation to where you are is the key to identifying those areas where you need to improve.

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” – YOGI BERRA 

It makes you to have a clear thought about, what you want to do in your life? What you want to achieve in your life? What your life is all about, what’s the purpose of your life? Who you are? And it helps you to know and meet “The Real You”.

Specifically, you’ll have a complete roadmap for your life with goal arrowed over it i.e., a road map for your life’s purpose, your self-persona, and goal which will never let you be lost in the “miscellaneous situations of your life” and get confused about your life goals and purpose.

2. Proud To Be Yourself

It’s all about being yourself, defining your “real-self”, making you proud of it, you do not need to run behind the persona of others, it gets you your own actual personality that you’ll love to carry all-around all your life’s long proudly.

This is a huge relief that assures you that you do not need to compete with others; you’re so special in yourself and help you to have a strategic plan of your own personality progress which deals with your life’s situations, ups, and downs to achieve your goals.

3. You’re Free and Independent

One of the most beneficial parts of Personal Branding is that you’re free & independent of anything in your personal and professional life.

Professionally, you’re independent and free from the workplace that you can work from anywhere you want and can go wherever you want without any pressure of work and time, possibly in most of the work’s field (e.g., as an online marketer, marketing consultant, speaker, blogger, author, writer, entertainer, photographer, freelancer, traveler for TV’s shows, or as an owner of IT company with a small number of employees, etc.)

You don’t have to worry about where you are, where you want to go, and what you want to do. You’ll have a great gift with you all the time i.e. “Time & Place Flexibility”.

It totally depends on you how much you want to work, whether you want to take it as your work pressure or not at all, enjoy it!! You’re free.
There’s no corporate giant to eat you by tying you up with time & place and down your shoulder with work pressure.

4. Enjoy The Life’s Rule of 24 Hours a Day

This is my sweet own rule which I follow and this is the only rule which you’ll never want to break.

Personal branding allows you to follow this sweet “life’s rule of 24 hours a day” because by now you already know your life goals and purpose, for which you’re proud of yourself that makes you free and independent to follow it.

So, my “Life’s Rule of 24 Hours” is actually a time in a day of 24 hours, in which I actually live my life in a real manner despite the fact, that whatever I do I enjoy my life and that’s how my daily life of 60X24 minutes i.e. 24 hours of a day never goes waste worrying about future and what will I do.

It helps live one’s life in a better way. That’s considering that you’re living your life on the basis of 24 hours a day and believing only in present. It’s totally on you how you want to enjoy the 24 hours of your present to make it totally worthy & consumed.

Like what I do is — I try not to be the part of the system which is man-made and waste my time on that i.e. world financial system, which is why doing personal branding to stop it to make roadblocks in the roadmap for our life is beneficial.

5. Best Lifetime ROI of Your Investment

Yeah! I can so surely say that it’s the best investment of your money, time and work which pays back for the lifetime with the harmonious & luxurious lifestyle.

ROI on Persinal Branding

It’s an investment that brings you freedom for your work, place & time. You earn easy money for the work you love to do, you could go wherever you want to go and you’ll still miss your important work to do, you can work from wherever you want to do (depending on which field of work you’re in).

You’ll get paid or earn a fortune just on your name for the work you love to do. You’ll become like a money magnet.

At first, you’ll always be full of sponsors, advertisers, and good clients as well as big brands around you.
And, at last even after the retirement, you’ll end up making huge money as a big brand and client’s consultant.

6. You’ll become a Money Magnet

Personal Branding has the power that when it completely establishes a person as a brand, they eventually become a money magnet, and you won’t ask for money instead money gets attracted toward you.

You go to events and you’ll see yourself earning hundreds and thousands of dollars within an hour just for your presence in the event or for the speech of yours.

You are a brand for them, and inviting you in company events, organizational events, educational events or in all the other types of events and speaking or performing there (in case you’re an artist) they offer you thousands and millions of dollars because having you as a brand in their events in front of the press, media, and your fans will help them in the exposure of their organizations and companies to the vast audience and passes your own trust, fame and respect in the society to them.

Hence, they offer you compensation as if you got a “Thousand and Millions Dollar Golden-Diamonds decorated Mic” for coming and speaking words out of your mouth directly or indirectly for them.


Tony Blair by lecture basis is likely the world’s best paid speaker. In 2009, he made almost $616,000 for two half-hour speeches given in the Philippines.
In 2006 and 2007, The Learning Annex at their Real Estate Wealth Expos paid Donald Trump a whopping $1-1.5 million per speech for a 17-seminar conference.

7. The World is Your Playground

Working for yourself is like traveling the world. Yes, every word that comes to you is because you’re doing “branding yourself”, and it comes from around the world (if you’re not doing a job which is like sticking at one place).

Being a brand is like everybody knows you, if not everybody then people from your work must come to know you for who you are and respect you for what you got.

Most of the time you’ll travel and meet every new interesting people because of your work, example invitation to you from people to speak at an event will become a reason for you to travel the world, and speaking in an event will become like your visiting card to grow your connections with every new and interesting people.

8. Respect will Flow Everywhere

You won’t need to be concerned about to whom you should talk or to whom you shouldn’t think about your respect because known or unknown almost all of the people you meet will give respect to you, regardless of the fact everyone should always remember that “To earn respect, you must show respect” which implies everywhere and for everybody, except some morons who’re everywhere in every part of the world, you should ignore them if you ever meet someone like this.

Well, it’s just that it’ll be easy for you to earn it with the fact that it also will be easy to lose it too if you won’t be careful about it.

See if you are making “the mistake of seeing oneself as superior,” and then remember what Albert Einstein once said, “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.”

This means there are equal chances that the person standing in front of you also feels superior to you, that’s a collision of egos that results in disrespecting each other.

So, be wise. You have self-respect, they have it too.

9. Influencing Power

Take this amazing example of Starbucks and how it grew with just personal branding.

power of branding

Influencing power plays a vital role in your career if your career involves people being a part of it; for an instance, if you are an actor, author, writer, leader, speaker, etc.

All these professions and professions need you to have a large number of fans following influencing power is crucial for the success of your career and plays a most important role in your career as well as in your life.

The primary factor of personal branding itself is to grow your fan’s following and influence power in the first place.

So, for one thing, you can be so sure that doing personal branding will bring you a large number of fans following, and a little of your strategic and regular efforts can grow your influencing power.

In most cases influencing the power of your “personal brand” decide your demand and position in the market and how much you’ll earn.

Signing up and connecting your social media profiles to the influence metric sites like Klout and you can check how much influence do you have on people you are connected with or how relevant your updates are for your audience, take it anyway, the result will be the score of your online influencing power.

10. No Need to Use Pickup Lines

To seduce someone, you are a King or Queen.

King or queen of branding

Yes! I know it’s a controversial topic but sooner or later, accept it or not we all talk about it, dating is something we cannot resist ourselves talking about. It’s a most important part of our lives just like all other important things unless you don’t want to die alone.

Hence, we can’t neglect this point that personal branding already makes your impression so high that dating someone is just as easy as fast as you introduce yourself to some hot and smart men or women right away.

Because of which you’ll never be the part of some craps like getting slapped or being ignored by beautiful ladies using the same pickup line again and again on many different women or if you do not know how to seduce your date.

And, you’ll never find yourself reading guides like How to seduce someone, best pickup lines, how to get 6 pack abs in a month etc.-etc. in order to train yourself so that next time when you meet someone beautiful, hot, and smart you could attract them using your words or pickups lines or body language which will take you months and a number of slaps on your face is able to attract a single woman.

11. Almost No- Roadblocks!

Financial system of the world is so crucial part of human beings that almost every problem and roadblock we face in our lives are related to money.

You want to be somewhere, you need money. You want to do something you love, you need money. Home, clothes, food, holidays, and adventure whatsoever it is that you want; you need money everywhere and in everything.

If I talk to you mathematically about it, “How to make money” get about 2.25M searches on the internet every month and about 805 million people worldwide do not have enough food to eat, clothes to wear, and shelters to survive the outside weather.

Also if we talk about people on the way to make their career work for them and want to do something big for what they always dreamt of,

Unemployment causes 45,000 suicides a year worldwide because they are demotivated that they’re never going to achieve their dreams or failed in life because of money.

Hence, personal branding gets you a hell of a lot of money that solves almost every problem which is related to it.
But, I want you to know the fact which is for you just for your knowledge in case you do not know which is fine if you already know, that is “If you want to be happy, you can be right away.”

You don’t need money to be happy; there are no charges to be happy unless your happiness lies in something that costs you a fortune then you want money.

So, people hunt for it, do personal branding. It’s going to be legen… Wait for it… daryyy. Legendary!

Conclusion: ROI of Personal Branding

It is hard to predict the true power and ROI of personal branding. Once you start working on it and are successfully able to establish your own personal brand, you’ll get endless opportunities to earn more and more that will double or triple your ROI or may turn your ROI into never-ending profits.

The main point is to be patient because you won’t see great results in a few weeks; it takes months if not a year or two.

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About jitendravaswani

Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog, BloggersIdeas.com, along with Digiexe.com, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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