35 Best Philip Anschutz Quotes 2025: Tips for Entrepreneurs!

If you’re looking for the best Philip Anschutz quotes, you’ve found the correct spot.

“I measure success not by how much wealth I’ve accumulated but by how many people’s lives I’ve had a positive impact on.” This quote by American businessman Philip Anschutz highlights his philanthropic character.

Anschutz is the founder of Anschutz Corporation and has a large stake in various business ventures such as oil, railroads, media, entertainment, and sports. He is also a major donor to several charitable causes.

In addition to his business acumen and generosity, Anschutz is also known for his humility. In spite of his many accomplishments, he remains down to earth and remains focused on giving back to others.

This quote exemplifies his commitment to making a difference in the world and inspires everyone around him.

“My father always told me that the most important thing in life was to be honest and have integrity.” -Philip Anschutz

Anschutz was born on December 28, 1939, in Russell, Kansas. His father, Frederick Q. Anschutz, was a rancher, businessman, and philanthropist. Philip Anschutz attended the University of Kansas and earned a degree in business.

After graduation, he joined his father’s oil business. In 1961, Anschutz founded his own oil company, The Anschutz Corporation. 

The Anschutz Corporation is now one of the largest privately held companies in the United States.

35 Best Philip Anschutz Quotes 2025:

Quotes For Entrepreneurs

Here are some of the best Philip Anschutz quotes:

1. “I must have had an early leaning toward business. Not that I had an understanding of this when I was 10 years old, but when you see what can be done, the possibilities, you want to be involved in something. You want to own it.” – Philip Anschutz

2. “My reasons for getting into the entertainment business weren’t entirely selfless. Hollywood as an industry can at times be insular and doesn’t understand the market very well. I saw an opportunity in that fact.” – Philip Anschutz

3. “We will continue to set the standards in the industries in which AEG operates, bringing our unique vision and development model to entertainment locations throughout the world.” – Philip Anschutz

4. “Sexuality is among the most personal of issues, and it has never been my intent to weigh in on people’s private lives.” – Philip Anschutz

5. “It doesn’t do any good to sit on the sidelines all the time.” – Philip Anschutz

6. “People want to do authentic things. They want to go horseback riding, fishing, shooting or searching for turtle nesting spots on the beach.” – Philip Anschutz

7. “In Denver, if you get a reputation for being too competitive, people don’t want to play with you or do business with you.” – Philip Anschutz

8. “Nothing communicates with the people who make real decisions in Hollywood like spending your own money and showing that you can make profitable films.” – Philip Anschutz

9. “There’s always a point that if you go forward you win, sometimes you win it all, and if you go back you lose everything.” – Philip Anschutz

10. “We are fortunate to employ a wealth of diverse individuals throughout our family of companies, all of whom are important to us – the only criteria on which they are judged is the quality of their job performance; we do not tolerate discrimination in any form.” – Philip Anschutz

11. “Some of the early speculations I saw in the press was that I am a railfan. I’m not. This is not a hobby. This is a full-time business and a very serious one at that. We’re making this railroad work.” – Philip Anschutz

12. “Four or five years ago I decided to stop cursing the darkness – I had been complaining about movies and their content for years – and instead to do something about it by getting into the film business.” – Philip Anschutz

13. “Furthermore, I don’t believe you have to be quite that competitive to compete effectively. Beyond a certain point, all that bearing down is self-defeating.” – Philip Anschutz

14. “It must operate at a profit. You can’t have any structure, especially not a long-term one, that does not have under it a firm financial foundation that can ensure its longevity.” – Philip Anschutz

15. “Hardly a week goes by that I don’t get opportunities to buy a hotel.” – Philip Anschutz

16. “Take action. When you take action, you can create the outcome.” – Philip Anschutz

17. “I unequivocally support the rights of all people without regard to sexual orientation.” – Philip Anschutz

18. “In New York, the expectation seems to be that everyone will play his absolute hardest, be ultra-competitive, and do anything necessary to win.” – Philip Anschutz

19. “Frankly, there are better things for me to invest in than these hotels. Stewards are really needed for these kinds of properties – instead of investors.” – Philip Anschutz

20. “Long a student and admirer of the American West, its history, its art, its culture, its cast of personalities, I’m aware that in the West a great confluence of events and people combined to create something unique in the annals of human history.” – Philip Anschutz

21. “I don’t mix business with anything. I don’t do business dinners. I don’t do business tennis. And I don’t do business squash.” – Philip Anschutz

22. “Am I crazy? My opponents say I am, but I disagree.” – Philip Anschutz

23. “For America, the period of 1800 to 1920 was an unparalleled time of broad expansion and growth driven by extraordinary factors unlike almost any other in history.” – Philip Anschutz

24. “Properties like the Broadmoor diminish greatly in number over time. They flourish best if owned by a family with the values of stewardship, as opposed to seeing them as just another asset.” – Philip Anschutz25.

25. “Adversity is a huge advantage – as long as you think of it as an advantage – because it helps you do things you never thought you were capable of doing.” – Philip Anschutz

26. “My gift to the Elton John Foundation is intended to emphasize that we support the freedom of all people to live their lives peacefully, without interference from others.” – Philip Anschutz

27. “From the very first days of AEG, my vision has been to tie together world-class real estate development structured around entertainment venues with premium sports and live entertainment content.” – Philip 30. “It’s important to have your back to the wall. It makes you think outside the box.” – Philip Anschutz

28. “All I have ever done in my life is work.” – Philip Anschutz

29. “I’m not in the practice of writing checks just for the fun of writing them.” – Philip Anschutz

30. “I’ve been in the deal-making business for almost 50 years now. I’ve made a lot of them.” – Philip Anschutz

31. “My friends think I’m a candidate for a lobotomy, and my competitors think I’m naive or stupid or both. But you know what? I don’t care.” – Philip Anschutz

32. “I support the rights of all people and oppose discrimination and intolerance against the LGBTQ community. I see this as a matter of basic human rights.” – Philip Anschutz

33. “If I have a reputation for anything, it’s for keeping a low profile.” – Philip Anschutz

34. “Both The Anschutz Foundation and I contribute to numerous organizations that pursue a wide range of causes.” – Philip Anschutz

35. “If we can make some movies that have a positive effect on people’s lives and on our culture, that’s enough for me.” – Philip Anschutz

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Conclusion: Philip Anschutz’s Quotes 2025

Although Mr. Anschutz is known for many things, including his business ventures and political donations, his quotes on leadership provide valuable insight into what it takes to be a successful individual in any field.

In the context of business, these quotes underscore the importance of hard work, determination, and innovation.

By understanding and applying these principles in your own life, you can set yourself up for success in whatever endeavor you pursue.

Thanks for following along with us on our journey through the wisdom of Philip Anschutz!

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