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Subliminal Guru Review 2024: My Personal Experience (PROS & CONS)

Looking for Subliminal Guru Review, you are at the right place.

Reprogramming of the mind has several proven benefits, and these are experienced by millions all over. The tides are, however, expected to turn slowly. The Subliminal Guru by Inspire3 is a 10-minute audiobook that looks forward to installing a strong new bunch of thought patterns. The pattern represents you, but a better you and more balanced than you are right now.

Let me first discuss what Subliminal Guru is and what I have observed. My honest Subliminal Guru Review.

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In-Depth Subliminal Guru Review

It is a superstore of several subliminal tracks that helps to reprogram your subconscious mind towards a way that is the most desirable way of prevailing.

Subliminal Guru Review - Subliminal

The entire album is divided into several parts.

The following are the distinct parts contained in Subliminal Guru.

Improving Body

Subliminal Guru - Program

Several albums available help to improve the human body. Several benefits include:

  • Younger look.
  • Enhanced Muscles.
  • Achieve a flat stomach.
  • Get bright-looking and smooth skin.
  • Enrich postures.

Mental skills

Subliminal Guru helps to develop the human mind as well.

  • Thinking capability enhances, and you will start to feel like a genius.
  • Learn to let regrets go.
  • Resist Shyness.
  • Stop bothering about what others think.
  • Quit Overthinking.

Health and Fitness

Improve health conditions and live happily.

  • Stick to a balanced diet.
  • Age slowly and beat the natural aging process.
  • Get the motivation to exercise daily.
  • Live longer.
  • Manage IBS handily.

Sleep and Relaxation

  • Sleeping habits enrich.
  • Wake up early in the morning.
  • Meditate deeply.
  • Overcome Insomnia.
  • If you snore, overcome snoring habits.
  • Master Lucid Dreaming.

Personal Power

  • Find your purpose in life.
  • Enjoy an optimistic attitude in everything you do.
  • Start loving your body.
  • Boost your self-confidence.
  • Be extra productive.

Business Success

Subliminal Guru - Business Success

  • Learn to master the skill of time management.
  • Become debt-free.
  • Be a prosperous entrepreneur.
  • If you are from a sales background, you can be a brilliant salesperson.
  • Accomplish any job interview.


  • Learn to let go of regrets.
  • Releasing thoughts that are limited.
  • Don’t worry about what people think.
  • Overcome shyness.
  • No overthinking.

Life Enrichment

  • Master the law of attraction and learn to implement it.
  • Have a dream home in mind? Attract that.
  • Your dream car is on its way too.
  • Start planning for your dream holiday.
  • Entice more money


  • Stop getting panic attacks.
  • Conquer Anxiety.
  • Deter from being paranoid.
  • Overcome the fear of getting rejected.
  • Overcome your fear of flying.
  • No fear of driving, as well.

Bad Habits

  • Stop pulling your hair.
  • If you thumb-suck, stop that habit.
  • Stop nail-biting.
  • Stop stuttering.
  • No fidgeting.

Love and Marriage

Subliminal Guru - Love & Marriage

  • Become friends easily.
  • Enjoy your single relationship status.
  • Find your soulmate.
  • Gain the confidence to flirt.
  • Your marriage will be saved.


  • Overcome OCD.
  • Get rid of social network addiction.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Overcome your coffee addiction.
  • Conquer alcohol addiction.


  • Stop feeling tired too quickly.
  • Fight a virus.
  • Dissolve pain naturally.
  • Say goodbye to acne problems.
  • Overcome back pain.


  • Clear any examination.
  • Drive your life with self-confidence.
  • Enhance spelling and mathematics.
  • Get super studying skills.


  • Acquire confidence with a woman.
  • You can become the best pickup artist.
  • Be generously seductive.
  • Gain confidence with men as well.
  • Attain dating confidence.


  • Relish faster muscle recovery.
  • Avoid injury from sports.
  • Be a winner.
  • Enhance their swimming skills.
  • Improve running capability.

Parent and Baby

  • Conquer morning sickness.
  • Overcome postnatal depression.
  • Be a confident parent.
  • Ease childbirth labor pains.
  • Be a confident parent.

Music and Arts

  • Be a world-class singer.
  • Improve guitar playing skills.
  • Become an actor, if interested in acting.
  • Become a writer.
  • Improve Dancing skills.

Now you must have seen that Subliminal Guru has a wide range and numerous benefits. One of the primary reasons why I love this subliminal like anything.

Is Subliminal Guru a scam?

You can easily see the number of people who would believe that Subliminal Guru is a scam. This notion of listening to an audiobook for 10 minutes every day, which is full of positive affirmations, and phrases appear like a marketing strategy at best.

Positive self-speak is an excellent idea under challenging situations which helps to reduce stress and eliminate negative energies that can cause fear and worry. Yes, Subliminal Guru does that for you. It can do much more than you can imagine.

Did you ever notice that when a sentence is told for long enough, it starts to seem like the truth? For instance, if you say “I am Great!”, the same impact happens.

You will feel like you are great. You will attain your self-confidence back. You will feel like you begin to be ” You” again.

How does Subliminal Guru establish transition?

Let us take an example of the same phrase, “I am great!”. Repeat the same a thousand times to yourself, for the next 10 minutes.

How do you think it will affect you by doing so?

Think about having so many positive affirmations flood your brain. The positive thoughts are layered over stunning audio so that you will not have to hear the affirmations repeated in the audio. The overall result is enhanced self-confidence within yourself in every aspect of your life.

Subliminal guru is seen as beneficial in several areas:

  • Correction of the lack of esteem.
  • Helping people to lose weight effectively.
  • Create a foundation of optimistic thoughts in mind.

Being proven by science, Subliminals are a lot helpful in self-improvement.

The best part about it is that you will have to just listen to an audio clip of only 10 minutes.

My experience with Subliminal Guru

I have discovered the reality and truth about the human brain. Generally, the subconscious mind is highly underestimated, but it can necessarily control the way how life unfolds.

This simply means that if someone is facing any kind of unhappiness in your life at the moment, may it be because of any reason. The reasons may be loneliness, financial struggle, weight, or just something else. It is possible that the challenges faced come from the impressions of our subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind and beliefs create beliefs and then discover the reality. The reality indicates what is happening with you currently.

For instance, if you think that you are lazy, it is most likely that you will strive to be productive. And, if you believe that you have a slow metabolism rate, you will struggle to lose weight. Furthermore, if you think that you will have to live in poverty all your life, then, you will have a hard time making sufficient money to lead a comfortable life.

The role of Subliminals

Subliminals are utilized to reprogram your subconscious mind, and the programming is done with the beliefs that you select. The word subliminal translates to beyond the threshold. Here, the limit is referred to as the conscious mind.

With the help of subliminal, affirmations are absorbed from a subconscious level. Hence, beliefs and desires occur naturally.

You are then no longer required to keep the affirmations in mind. They will become a part of your life automatically, and you can eventually live the kind of lifestyle manifested.

Deeper Thoughts

Think of it this way; If you are asked to walk to the mailbox, you will not have to consciously think of placing a foot forward. The reason behind it is that the ability to do so is controlled on a subconscious level. Have you ever thought, about what would happen if the same process occurred in positive thoughts?

I have learned something the hard way that a negative state of mind is reflected in the way one’s life unfolds.

I have a friend, who used to suffer from anxiety long back, and that was caused because of negative thoughts about himself. As a result, everything around him was negative. No job, no money, and not many friends, and he used to confine himself to a small room at his parent’s place.

After I discovered that thoughts are more compelling than we imagine, I became desperate and forced my friend to adopt a positive attitude and think positively about himself.

More than that, I needed him to be more optimistic naturally and also wanted it to happen automatically. This situation compelled me to try subliminal.

You will find subliminal on youtube, but I will tell you that there were a few different kinds that bothered me.

  • Some of the videos were pretty erratic. A few worked quite well while others didn’t.
  • After listening to some, I had awful nightmares.
  • If I had to play Subliminals while sleeping, I had to keep the Wi-Fi on the whole night, and also it gave me headaches sometimes.

Slowly Subliminal started disappearing from Youtube, and it put me off. It made me think, now how will I listen to them.

I tried to find out the reason behind it, and after intense research, I discovered that a few channels were using pessimistic phrases. Because of this some of the channels were banned as well.

This made me think that, was the reason for getting inconsistent results and nightmares? After this, I decided to swear off the Subliminals of Youtube for good.

I decided to find a subliminal that was reliable, in-budget, and overall a pick that would deliver tremendous results.

I tried several programs available, but Subliminal Guru was my favorite, and to date, I recommend that to people.

The Subliminal Guru artists

Karl Moore and the team at Inspire 3 created the store, and soon it became a big hit because of its great qualities.

The team at Inspire3 are trusted leaders in the personal development field and have founded several companies like, Zen12, and Hypnosis live.

Working of Subliminal Guru

As mentioned before, Subliminals work by imprinting affirmations over the subconscious mind of people. The subliminal is played along with an audio file so that you will not have to hear them through your conscious mind.

The music in the audio file grabs the attention of your conscious mind, and the clear path is made for subliminal travel to the subconscious mind.

After a few days, affirmations are formed as subconscious beliefs, and soon reality also starts shifting as per the new thought process. However, note that this doesn’t work the same way as positive thinking.

Subliminal Guru - Bundle

When you want to think positively purposely, you do so with the help of your conscious mind. But there is a difference between when you forcefully think positively and when optimistic thoughts come to you naturally. It is a good sign that you have imprinted on your subconscious mind.

With this, you will not have to try to stay positive. It all happens naturally. The process is a part of who you actually are.

Subliminal Guru is combined with the power of subliminal affirmations, and it works with Brainwave entrainment. With the modality of a super receptive brainwave pattern, you are attracted to the pattern, and your subconscious mind is expected to absorb subliminal easily.

Inclusion in Subliminal Guru Album

Subliminals are created by the Subliminal Guru in distinct albums. It means that you will not have to purchase the one size fits all audio track. The best part is that your choice of track is available in different versions that fit your mood perfectly.

Know what you will get in each album.

1×10-minute spoken subliminal MP3

A track is offered as an added bonus where you will get to hear your affirmations spoken out loud along with an underlying subliminal layer. This is offered with something different so that you can examine what fits your needs perfectly well.

6×10-minute versions using distinct music mixes.

Subliminals are set into six varied music styles to fit your mixed moods. These include Brown Noise mix, Relaxation mix, Acoustic mix, Workout mix, stream mix, etc.

A combination of varied audios is great since I believe that everyone is not into listening to the same type of clip. Hence, with six options, something is there for everyone. You can switch easily depending on your mood or what you are doing at the moment.

Brainwave Entrainment Version

With each of the 7 tracks available in your album, you will also get a brainwave entrainment version. The power of isochronic tones is used to be utilized by the brainwave entrainment, and it pulls you into an ultra-receptive brainwave state. It is perfect to process subliminal affirmations.

This entrainment is used best while meditating or performing other light activities. However, listening to it is not recommended while operating heavy machinery or driving.

Pricing Plan Subliminal Guru?

Several subliminal programs are quite expensive, and they are available in entire sets. Unlike them, for Subliminal Guru, you can pick an album for yourself that suit your needs perfectly well. It means that you pay for what you want and not for extra unnecessary bits and pieces.

Subliminal Guru Review - Pricing Plan

On average, you will have to purchase an album and one album costs around $23.95. Moreover, you will get discounts if several albums are purchased in the same order. Flash sales are often made on selected products as well.

Pros and Cons of Subliminal Guru Review


  • You will not have to wait for shipments since tracks are available as digit downloads. Access it the moment you purchase.
  • The albums are created by reliable professionals, and they are trendy in the community of personal development.
  • The track is strongly backed by science, and several links are provided to varied research sources.
  • Subliminal Guru is universal. You can download it on a variety of devices that include a device, PC, phone, or even into a burned CD.
  • A collection of over 350 albums in categories of varied ranges.
  • If you are not able to find an album that suits your needs, the facility of customizing your own album is also available. Choose your affirmations and pick audio as well.
  • A variety of music styles are provided to suit your moods.
  • Lifetime support is offered by Subliminal Guru with every purchase along with a 14-day money-back guarantee.
  • Albums are offered at pocket-friendly prices, and with flash sales, prices are reduced further.


  • The tracks are generally 10 minutes long. This might be too long for some, but not too long for others, especially if you are trying to sleep while listening to the audio.
  • Lifetime support is provided through emails, and there is no option to call.
  • It is recommended by Subliminal Guru that you should listen to the tracks for at least two weeks. This duration is too long for some who are looking for instant changes.
  • Subliminal albums are only available as digital downloads, and you cannot get a hard copy even if you want.
  • The tracks are not safe while driving or running a heavy machine. This is not recommended since they can pull you into a trance-like state.

Subliminal Guru Testimonials From Customers

Subliminal Guru - Testimonials

 Subliminal Guru Review FAQs

Can I listen to multiple Subliminals?

Yes, you can listen to multiple Subliminals on the same topic with distinct affirmations or can also choose to listen to different affirmations with the same music. Try out any combination you feel like listening to.

How long should I listen to Subliminals in a day?

The recommended time limit to listen to Subliminals in a day is 8 to 16 hours. Minimum exposure shouldn’t be less than 6 hours a day. The maximum hour limit for Subliminals is 21 hours.

Are Subliminals dangerous?

Subliminals are very intense for some. It is also referred to as the temporal rewiring of the brain. For instance, if you are looking to get benefit from it in a natural way, the chances are that your brain can react to it in an unnatural way.

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Final Thoughts: Subliminal Guru Review 2024

People have experienced enormous results after listening to a subliminal guru, and I personally feel that Subliminal Guru is the best. After exposing myself to it, I have experienced optimistic thoughts around myself, and my mindset has enhanced money as well.

It has also encouraged me to lead a happier life, and at the same time, be more productive. Subliminal tracks are available in different languages as well, and listening to them has helped me to learn a few unique languages. The languages help me while traveling. I have received some of the best results from the subliminal guru, and therefore, I will continue using them.

Moreover, the albums are also available at affordable rates, and they are worth every penny spent. They are reliable because the industry’s top professionals have curated them. Customizing Subliminals, according to needs, is another option that I like most about the subliminal guru.

About jitendravaswani

Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog,, along with, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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