50+ Writing Ideas When You Have Nothing to Blog About in 2024

In This Post, We’ll Talk About Writing Ideas When You Have Nothing to Blog About

We all blog.

We write content, we generate and distribute it.

We all want it to become interesting for readers, and we all want it to become shareable.


We all know how difficult it is to brainstorm every day, trying to answer the #1 question of every writer:

“What to write about?”

This article will become your cheat sheet and best helper to answer this question, as it contains 50+ types of web content your audience will find interesting by all means.

Be helpful!💁🏻

Be helpful!
credits: pixabay

1) Lists. Publish a list of books, instruments, resources, or something else your business finds useful. Create several sections at your blog for better readability, and post relevant articles there.

2) How-tos. Write a guide on a blog posting. Share your experience and describe the process, but do not forget to add visual elements to make your article eye-catching and shareable for readers.

3) Step-by-step guides. Such posts are more useful and valuable than articles. They should be well-structured, so you need to outline main points and explain all details.

4) Problem and solution. This type of content has the format of presenting the problem and providing a solution to it.

5) SAQ posts. It’s a type of FAQ posts, which is a list of questions that customers do not usually ask despite finding them important.

6) Studies. Doing research in your niche is one of the best methods to create content for your blog and attract readers’ attention.

7) Excellent guides. It’s a comprehensive article on a particular topic of your niche. Don’t be afraid of writing this type of blog posts; find the time and create meaty content on the chosen topic.

8) Definitions. This type of posts is a must-have for you if your business implies explained aspects, understandable for users. Create a series of posts that would define different aspects of your niche.

9) A series of posts. Look for opportunities to break your topic into a series of posts to publish daily for a week, or every Monday, for example.

10) Statistics. As well as research, this type of posts is effective when you share results, obtained personally by you.

11) FAQ. This type of post is effective when you have a set of frequently asked questions from your customers and readers.

Be a human!😄🗣️

12) Inspiring posts. One of the most effective ideas for posting is inspiring and motivational content. It might work well if you share a story, a profile, or a post with quotes.

13) Festive posts. Some blogs use holidays to greet readers and demonstrate humanity toward their audience.

14) Vigilant posts. The most useful content is that created by writers who express vigilance: they tell about personal experience – and readers refer to it themselves.

15) Behind-the-scenes posts. If you have loyal followers, it might be interesting for them to know what happens “behind the scenes” of your writing.

16) Off-topic posts. It might be risky, but if you have loyal readers you should try and write a post on some specific topic to shock or confuse them. Just test it to learn the reaction.

17) Pompous posts. It doesn’t work for everyone but right audience at right blogs where they properly react to this type of content. Such posts reveal your passions and human side, or your anger toward some topics, which are close to your readers.

Be generous!👍🏻

Be generous!

18) Profiles. Create profiles of thought leaders in your niche. Make sure you let them know about that via emails, social media, or phone calls. Thus, you will have an opportunity to share this information and attract new visitors to your blog.

19) Multiple sources posts. Take opinions of several thought leaders on the topic. If you have ten people and each of them will tell at least 100 words on the topic, you will get a great post!

20) Interviews. It’s surprising how thought leaders like interviews! Even if you do not have many readers, do not be afraid of taking interviews: the easiest way to do that is to call them up and start the conversation.

21) Bulletins. As well as a series of posts, this type of content is very helpful. Give links, or provide descriptions of articles that will be useful for your audience.

22) Quotes. People do love quotes of famous people. Make a collection of quotes from different personalities on the topic, and write a post with quotes. Do not forget about copyright.

23) “The best from the Internet”. It’s a collection of interesting content, tools, or sources you’ve found on the Web.

24) “Choice of the week”. It’s the most popular series of short posts, which describes a particular piece of content, sources, or tools you used.

25) People to follow. Make a list of thought leaders, describe them, and provide references for your readers to contact these people through their websites, social networks, etc.

Promote and advertise!🙌🏻🤓

26) Comparison. Write a post where you compare your products and benefits with your competitors’. To build trust, show some moments when your product would not be the best solution for customers.

27) Showcase. Create a post where you demonstrate a process and tell about results of your new project.

28) Report. For example, you can reveal some data and demonstrate your company’s breakthrough in a financial sector.

29) Company updates. Use your blog to tell readers about new frames, deals, and achievements of your company.

30) Presentation. Publish presentations, containing useful and interesting information for the audience.

31) “Best of the best”. Create a post that will combine all best info from previous blog posts.

32) Product updates. If you have passionate fans of your product or service, a post about its improvements will be a perfect fit for your blog. Don’t forget to share this content in social media, too.

33) Tips. Such posts will be promotional and informative for your readers. Share some tips that will help your customers be more successful with your product or service.

34) “What if” posts. It’s a post that speculates a what-will-happen-if concept. The conversion of this post will depend on how interesting your “if” is.

35) Discussion. Use your post to discuss one side of a problem your audience is interested in. Or, you can find an opposite point of view and publish both arguments.

36) Attack. Be careful with this type of posts and take a right opponent, event, or person to make a reader choose one side. If this post becomes popular, get ready to meet both passionate fans and enemies of your content.

37) Prediction. If you choose a controversial approach, your prediction post might give a good feedback.

38) Reaction. Use your blog to respond the content created by someone else (a book, a presentation, a blog post, etc.)


credits: pixabay.com

39) Story. Create a post that tells a story, interesting for your readers.

40) Satire. Be humorous and ironic. This type of posts is good when it comes to some temporary problems, politics or sports, for example.

41) Caricature. Such posts are good when in a series. Create a weekly or monthly series of cartoons that make your readers smile and think of things within your niche.

42) Meme. Memes are funny elements of content, widely used on the Internet. Create your meme or meme collections to illustrate your posts.

43) Mockery. Create a mockery of thought leaders or media companies in your niche, exaggerating their strengths and weaknesses in your post.

Be clock-work!🔁

44) Review. Create a review of some products or events, while they are relevant.

45) Poll. Choose a relevant topic, and interview your audience via newsletters, social networks, etc. Write about the results in your blog post.

46) News. Follow the news and mention it in your posts, sharing the information that will be interesting for your audience.

47) Trend. Some content marketers can predict trends tendency. If you are one of them, create content with your prediction on the niche trend that’s becoming popular.

48) Problem. Choose a problem your readers consider timely and create a relevant blog post while it’s still important.


Social media influencer

49) Questions. Answer the questions your audience asks in social networks, comments, or forums.

50) Answers. Such posts are short, as a rule: you ask a question and let the audience reply in comments, creating content this way.

51) Challenge. Use your blog to challenge your audience, making them participate and give feedback.

52) Show. Use your blog to tell people what project you are doing at the moment.

53) Freeride. Use your blog posts to allow readers to make some decisions.

54) Competition. Announce a contest at your blog. Such posts work well in a series, with updates and notifications about the results.

Quick Links:

Conclusion: Writing Ideas When You Have Nothing to Blog About

These ideas can help you find new opportunities to create and generate good content for your blog. The main idea is to try them and check the results in practice though it is also important to understand the niche itself.

What do you think about the above-mentioned blog posts ideas?

Do you have anything to add?

What is your favorite type of content to create?

About jitendravaswani

Jitendra Vaswani is the founder of SchemaNinja, a WordPress Plugin, and he is also the founder of multi-award-winning blog, BloggersIdeas.com, along with Digiexe.com, and Megablogging. He is a successful online marketer & award-winning digital marketing consultant. He has been featured on HuffingtonPost, BusinessWorld, YourStory, Payoneer, Lifehacker & other leading publications as a successful blogger & digital marketer.

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